Monday, September 10, 2007

Monday's Recommendation

The Perfect Petfeeder by Northwest company Pillar Pet Products is a little pricey, but worth its weight by providing scheduled, portion-controlled feedings for your chow hound. Besides the convenience factor, what I like best about this pet appliance, is that it removes the human element from your pet's feedings. Here's an example: Friends of mine in Maryland have two extremely overweight, food obsessed cats. Starting at around 6 a.m., they begin with pacing and meowing at the pantry. When that doesn't work, they resort to jumping on and off the bed, stomping across your head until you give up and feed them. If this sounds familiar or if you simply want the convenience, check out the Perfect Petfeeder.

Read more about this product and several other cool products in the fall issue of CityDog Magazine, on newsstands now or subscribe today!

1 comment:

Scott said...

We purchased this automatic dog feeder a few weeks ago and it works flawlessly. I highly recommend it. We had tried another brand and it was just about worthless.